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Cash Recycler

Businesses with a large share of cash payments finds a quick return on their investment with our cash recyclers :

bakeries, butchers, florists, hair dressers, small to large distributors, takeaways or theme park…

 With our range of products, customers and employees no longer have to handle cash

whilst reducing transaction speeds and delivering perfect accuracy.

no more counting errors

no more counterfeit bills

no more thefts

increase your profits

optimize your customer experience

For a personalized study or a request for information, contact us.

+225 27 22 22 04 74

+225 27 22 22 04 64

+225 07 08 13 10 02

+225 07 07 80 01 13

Abidjan, Cocody Riviera 1

Cité BCET, non loin de l'Université

Félix Houphouët-Boigny